These are a few of my FaVORITE THINGS

In my adventures and everyday life, I continue to collect a list of my favorite things. As the beautiful Julie Andrews reminds us in the “Sound of Music” these things are not necessarily tangible items. The song encourages us to notice the world all around us (even in dark or trying times) and find the beautiful simplicities of life. Those things I strive to see, taste, hear, touch, feel, and enjoy, such as the picture I captured above one early crisp and drizzling December morning in Little River, CA. Being in this moment and capturing its life will be a memory I cherish. Along it was the delightful Artisan coffee house I found moments later with their perfectly hot cappuccino that quickly jumped on this list. Perhaps the espresso was that good or perhaps the experience together made it that much more wonderful…

For me, FAVORITES are moments wrapped in experiences that influence all our senses and can be conjured to remind us that life is worth living and adventures are for truly living ♥