San Francisco’s Beautiful Botanical Garden ♥

Golden Gate Park

In the beautiful Golden State is San Francisco’s gorgeous Golden Gate Park. This park Is an oasis of culture and nature in the midst of the bustling City. The Park is over 1 thousand acres of various gardens, open spaces, museums, and entertainment, and In a very populous city this park is a fairytale like reprieve ♥

There is no fee to enter the park but various costs depending on what you choose to do. A picnic and walk in this majestic park is a wonderful time and practically free! However, to visit the gardens there is a minimal fee. Usually $10-$20 depending on day and garden. You can also purchase a Gardens Pass to get access for the day to each garden. For me it’s free because I am a member of the AHS Reciprocal Garden Network. Membership entitles you to special admission privileges and discounts at 360+ gardens throughout North America! (Interested in a AHS membership, Click Here) 

Gardens of Golden Gate Park

Conservatory of Flowers, Japanese Tea Garden, and SF Botanical Garden. Today this post focuses on the Botanical Garden.

Botanical Garden Admission & Hours

Open 7 Days a week all year. Hours depend on season so be sure to check website before you go.

Admission: $17 Unless a Garden member, AHS member, or resident (with proof) is FREE admission. See above link or more info.

Parking: Free parking all around Golden Gate Park but can be limited and gets filled fast so go Early! Paid parking in the Music Concourse Garage and it is within walking distance to the various gardens.

Wild Mushrooms

55 Breathtaking acres of Botanicals from Around the World ♥

Open year-round, bright, and vibrant with color, this place is enjoyable no matter the season! Because of the coastal climate and fog that sets in, even in summer, you will spot deep and vibrant colors in the over 8000 various plants that are scaped perfectly.

Each world collection is mapped out wonderfully for easy navigation with clear signage throughout. Each section is titled and themed from places around the world such as “Temperate Asia”, “New Zealand”, “South Africa”, and one of my biased favorites, “California Native”! You will also receive a garden map with colorful laid-out details.

California Native
Proud to be a California Native ♥
SF Botanical Garden Map

Enjoying Each Collection

You can easily spend the day amongst these amazing botanicals. Meander through and take in all the smells, and sounds, as well as the layout of these gardens. Take in the growth of the redwoods, and the towering trees throughout.

Stop and read the plaques detailing the various plant life and their native regions. As you do you may get some ideas for your garden!

Moon Viewing Garden

Moon Viewing Garden Deck

Truly a favorite, this lovely and serene section is the Moon Viewing Garden. The Zen-like atmosphere has been used on many a romantic occasions, such as proposals and wedding pictures. Filled with lush Japanese plants and stone pagodas it is a perfect spot for quiet reflection and those special moments ♥

Free Public Tours

You can enjoy a FREE 90-minute tour with a Garden expert who will guide you throughout the collections and provide information on all the seasonal blooms. The tour is included with admission, simply look for the “Free Public Tour” sign at the Main Gate. Be sure to check the Tour dates HERE!

New Zealand Christmas Tree

To Picnic or not to Picnic?

There are so many lovely open spaces, filled with lush grass and benches. The garden is an ideal picnic destination! Toss down a blanket and relax, bring a book, enjoy a leisure bite, and uncork a bottle of red while basking in the aroma and sounds of nature.

Lunch at a Tea House?

Another idea, and my FAVORITE lunch stop when I visit Golden Gate, is to get bites at the Japanese Tea Garden! Located within walking distance from the Botanical Garden, and is an experience of its own ♥ You will need to pay entrance into the Japanese Tea Garden to get access to the Japanese Tea House. Again, if you have membership to any of the AHS membered gardens, admission is FREE.

For more information on The Japanese Tea Garden see my previous visit HERE.

Well my adventure friends, until next time; I hope you get out to enjoy this (or any) beautiful garden soon! Because life is so much more fuller when you stop to smell the roses ♥ ~ always andee

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